New Infrastructure for Fox Excel

Success stories

Fox Bars, London

Jun 23, 2024


Transforming Connectivity: Our Case Study on Fox Excel

In the aftermath of the pandemic, businesses were confronted with unparalleled challenges, and the necessity for robust IT systems became starkly apparent. We at Meta Eagle stepped up to the challenge, embarking on a transformative project for Fox Excel, a hospitality venue beset by antiquated technology and frequent service disruptions.

Before Our Intervention:Fox Excel’s IT infrastructure was a hodgepodge of non-managed switches and an antiquated cabling system, comprising a mix of Cat4 and Cat5e cables. The site depended on multiple ADSL internet lines, leading to a network that was not only sluggish but also suffered from frequent interruptions, severely impeding business operations.

Our Three-Pronged Approach:

High-Speed Connectivity:

100Mbit Leased Line: To address the subpar internet service, we provisioned a 100Mbit leased line, supplanting the numerous ADSL connections. Unlike ADSL, which is subject to fluctuating speeds due to distance from the exchange and shared bandwidth, a leased line offers dedicated bandwidth, ensuring consistent high-speed internet access—a critical element for any contemporary business.

State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:

Cat6a Cabling: We recabled the entire premises with Cat6a, replacing the inconsistent and unlabelled older cables. This upgrade was crucial as Cat6 supports up to 10 Gigabit Ethernet at 250 MHz for up to 100 metres, providing a stable and future-proof backbone for all of Fox Excel’s networking requirements.

Cutting-Edge Hardware and Security:

Cisco Meraki Equipment: The outdated Netgear switches, ageing Cisco access points, and Draytech routers were replaced with a comprehensive suite of Cisco Meraki equipment. The Meraki MX Firewall was installed to ensure enhanced security and visibility. The Meraki MS range switches allowed for the segmentation of the back office network, Wi-Fi, and hospitality systems into separate VLANs, while the Meraki MR series access points delivered reliable and robust Wi-Fi for business-critical systems and guest use.

Beyond Technical Operations:We didn’t just handle the technical operations; we managed the procurement of hardware, design, and project management. As Cisco Select Partners, we have access to resources, equipment, and financing options that benefit our customers.

The Outcome:Since the technological overhaul, Fox Excel’s network has been consistently operational, providing fast, reliable service that enables the venue to offer unique, tech-driven hospitality packages.

Is Your Network Falling Short?If your business’s network isn’t meeting your needs, it’s time for a change. Get in touch with us today, and let us elevate your connectivity to new heights. Don’t let outdated technology hold you back—soar high with us.


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